Astrology updates for
personal and professional empowerment.
Change is on the menu for the month of October. Expect the pace to quicken, to run into a setback or two, and to be surprised.
It's time to create a Big, Audacious, All-Inspiring, Soul-Stirring Life Vision.
2021 Astrological Grand Finale
The last two weeks of December 2021 are jam-packed with Gemini Full Moon, Winter Solstice, and a cosmic traffic jam in Capricorn! Get ready for some earnest, honest soul-searching and awakenings.
Celestial Lights Out
Sagittarius Solar Eclipse - December 3, 2021
This Solar Eclipse is about endings - specifically about letting go of old beliefs. Something must end in order for the new to take hold.
It's intense.
Taurus Lunar Eclipse November 19
Ready for some erratic, wild card, shake-it-up kind of energy? Whether or not you're ready, here comes the eclipse, right on time!.
Intensity. Transition. Quickening.
Scorpio New Moon
The pace will continue to quicken and intensify. It's time to get Scorpio-honest about what matters and take considered action.
Libra calls for peace, please.
Libra New Moon: October 6th
Let's be civilized, shall we? There are 4 planets in Libra for this new moon, sending out a strong call to make peace a priority.
Love is in the Details
Virgo New Moon: September 6th
At its essence, Virgo is teaching us what it means to be in right relationship with perfection.
Leo New Moon. It’s time to Shine
Leo New Moon: August 8th
Listen to your true self, let it shine, and do the work to make your OWN dreams come true. Trust me, everyone will love the TRUE YOU!
Jumping Jack Flash! It's July!
Cancer New Moon: July 9th
The dynamic tensions at work in 2021– restriction vs. rebellion and authority vs. independence–feel especially strong this month. Make a plan to shore up against burnout.
Eclipse Season in Session
New Moon Solar Eclipse: June 10th, 2021
From the New Moon Solar Eclipse to the clash of Saturn and Uranus on June 14th, until Mercury turns direct on June 22nd, expect it to be a super mercurial time.
Sunshine Daydream
Taurus New Moon: May 11th, 2021
It’s time to slow down and get ready to capture your long-term vision. Every good plan starts with a big, compelling vision.
Heart-Centered Action
This is the time to hold your personal and professional strategic visioning, planning, and activation sessions. Do this by yourself, with a trusted friend, or with your personal coach. Don’t overthink it. Just do it.
New Year! New Moon!
Tomorrow, January 12th at 9:00 pm PT, we will have the first new moon of 2021 at 23°13’ Capricorn. All new moons mark a new beginning; when the sky is its darkest, we are called to rely more heavily on our faith.